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Covid-19 Information Bulletin  #2  for Paddlers     Suggestions for safer paddling 

Dear Paddlers,          May 12, 2020 

As with all things on the river, this is information you can use to improve, not to guarantee, your safety, and just as in whitewater the ultimate choices and assumption of risks are yours. 

Before going: If the answer to any of these is yes, stay home. Do not paddle.

1. Do you have any of the following symptoms which are new (or worsened if associated with allergies, chronic or pre-existing conditions): fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, and/or runny nose?

2. Have you returned to Canada from outside the country (including the US) in the past 14 days?

3. In the past 14 days, have you had close contact (living with, providing care to, or being within 2 m of) with someone who has a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19?*

4. In the past 14 days, have you had close contact with a person who had acute respiratory illness that started within 14 days of their close contact to someone with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19?*

5. In the past 14 days, have you had close contact with a person who had acute respiratory illness who returned from travel outside of Canada in the 14 days before they became sick?* 

*other than health care workers who were wearing proper personal protective equipment at the time 

On the river:

• Small groups, preferably 4-6 but no more than 12.

• Maintain 2m distance between people on the river, at the put-in, and at the take-out.

• Handle your own gear only.

• Rescuing swimmers is acceptable, but minimize contact as much as possible.

• Paddle well within your abilities. Avoid runs that may require rescue. 

Shuttling when people not of the same household are involved:

• Consider whether you can avoid car shuttle entirely. Can you bike it or hike it?

• One person only (unless from same household) per row of seats, alternating sides.

• Wear a mask while in the vehicle. Cloth masks are acceptable. Mask must not be wet. Masks should not be re-worn once removed, so bring another for the return trip.  

• Handwashing or hand sanitizer before getting in, and upon getting out.

• The driver should be the vehicle’s owner; don’t drive other people’s cars.

• Everyone handles their own gear only. • For multi-day outings, it is best to have the same “shuttle buddy” the whole time. 


• Soap and water is highly effective on all surfaces, hard and soft.

• Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is effective.

• Sanitizing wipes are useful where rinsing soap off a surface is not feasible, e.g., door handles and seat belts in shuttle vehicles. 














3 Rivers Whitewater Rendezvous 

The weekend is over and blue skies have returned to Southern Alberta. Thanks to everyone who came out to the 3 Rivers Whitewater Rendezvous this past weekend. In spite of the rainy weather we had a great turnout and some nice paddling. The water wasn't very high this year but it was a great level for our novice and intermediate paddlers. And with the Elk and Bull raging, most folks were happy to stay in Alberta. 


Giffin Symko and Alberta Freestyle organized a new event for us - a creek race on the Carbondale that attracted 27 competitors who wowed the crowds.  

Simon Coward from Aquabatics with support from NRS organized a river run scavenger hunt for teams of 3 to seek out all the hidden locations to win a $1,000 NRS shopping spree at Aquabatics. 


There is a wonderful write up in the Pincher Creek Echo this week on the Rendezvous.


We couldn't do this without all the individuals who helped Sue Lee and her Castle Mountain cooks to prepare the meals:

PaddleJunkies - Saturday morning eggs, bacon & pancake breakfast crew

Banff Canoe Brigade & Ceyana Canoe Club - Saturday's steak & corn supper

UAPS - Sunday morning pancake, sausage and eggs breakfast crew

Bow Valley Kayak Club, Waterwerks, & Airdrie Kayak Club - Sunday pork tenderloin & potatoes supper

Simon Coward, Jiri Stolarik and Brace Lee - Monday morning continental breakfast 


A really big thank you to all our Sponsors who helped with the prizes and donations and the paddling companies which had demo gear and equipment on hand for everyone.


Gold Sponsors  

  • NRS 

  • Endless Adventures from Slocan Valley 

  • Aquabatics from Calgary


Silver Sponsors

  • Undercurrents from Calgary

  • Gear Hub from Fernie

  • High Level Canoes and Kayaks from Lethbridge

  • Just Liquid Sports from Cranbrook

  • MEC from Calgary


And a special tip of my hat to our club volunteers Craig Hancock, Bob Frantz, Paul Jones and my family Sue, Brace, Shandy, Ron, Ryley, Hannah, Tessa and Liam for their help.


It was wonderful seeing all of you again. Looking forward to getting onto the river with each one of you sometime this year.

Chuck Lee 


Chuck Lee

P.O.Box 162,

Lundbreck, AB

T0K 1H0


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